Maggots In The Rice
What is your value? What is my value? Are we equals? What makes one life worth more than another?
Photgraphed by Carina Reimers
Maggots In The Rice by Sarah Whyte
I am a maggot in the rice
That is my name
My name refers to the burden of girls and the preference for sons
I am a burden because my parents feed me but
than I am going to marry off and take care of the husband's family
But if I am not married by the time I reach 25 or
older than I will be considered a leftover woman
Of course my parents in China would want both a son and a daughter but for a long time there
was the one child policy which was strictly enforced through fines or in ways that we may consider inhumane like forced abortions
So here I am a maggot in the rice
Or should I say less than a maggot
Because I was abandoned
Photgraphed by Carina Reimers
What is a Maggot?
Dictionary Deffinition:
1. maggot(Noun)
A soft, legless larva of a fly or other dipterous insect, that often eats decomposing organic matter.
2. maggot(Noun)
A term of insult for a 'worthless' person, as if a bug.
Maggots in the Rice video collaboration
Abdullah Quick: Director/ Cinematographer, Sarah Whyte : Actor/Narration/Writing, Levi Demettteo: Sound Design
Pictures from the live performance of Maggots in the Rice, the value and the act of hand sewing thousands of grains of rice to a cheongsam
Phtographed by Jeremy Subewski
Phtographed by Jeremy Subewski
Phtographed by Jeremy Subewski
Phtographed by Jeremy Subewski
The dress currently has over 1,500 hand sew grains of rice attached to the dress
Materials: Rice, Thread and Cheongsam
Maggots in the Rice is an ongoing project started in 2017 and was last updated in 2020
1995 Documentry The Dying Rooms, 38min:
2015, From 'Iron Girls' to 'Leftovers' - Independent Women in China, 31min+41sec:
2016, SK-II: Marriage Market Takeover, 4min+16sec
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